imenada Imen Datis Asia Co

magnetic pump

characteristic amount
Polypropylene or polyethylene cast iron, glass
working temperature
up to 450 °C
work pressure
(bar) 200
400 kW

Checking the magnetic pump or magnetic pump

Magnetic pump or magnetic pump is a type of centrifugal pump that can have many applications and due to its special features and structure, it is considered an excellent choice for transferring toxic and chemical substances.

In magnetic pumps, two magnets are used to provide the necessary force to move the pump impellers. That is why these pumps are known as magnetic. The presence of these two magnets is considered the main and special feature of this category of pumps, which also has special applications. In fact, the magnetic pump is considered a perfect alternative to conventional anti-acid pumps.

In this type of pump, the propeller and the motor shaft are connected to each other through a magnetic field without direct contact. The function of the magnetic pump is that a set of magnets is placed on the outer shaft connected to the motor, and another set of magnets is placed on the shaft at the end of which is the propeller. Between the magnets mounted on the inner and outer shafts is the housing shell or the place where the fluid is pumped. The magnetic field created between the magnets due to the rotation of the drive shaft connected to the motor, causes the shaft connected to the propeller and finally the propeller to rotate, and finally the fluid will be pumped due to the rotation of the propeller.

پمپ مگنتی - پمپ صنعتی - انواع پمپ های صنعتی - پمپ مغناطیسی، انواع پمپ صنعتی، پمپ آب خانگی

Application of magnetic pump

Any type of pump has a proper performance in a certain pressure and temperature range. In general, the magnetic pump works well for liquids with a temperature below 450 degrees and a pressure below 200 bar. Also, the power of this pump is up to 400 kilowatts, and in this range, it can do the work of pumping and transferring fluid well.

Also, they are used in cases where it is difficult to replace the mechanical seals or in cases where the damage caused by current leakage is irreparable. Also, if the surrounding environment and fluids are sensitive to the magnetic field, it is not possible to use these types of pumps.

Depending on the type of application and the fluid used, the magnetic pump may be metallic or non-metallic.

Metal magnetic pumps are generally made of bronze, cast iron, steel and titanium.

Non-metallic magnetic pumps are made of tetrafluoroethylene, glass, ceramics, fluoride, vinylidene, and alkanes of the perfluoro-alkoxy group.

Features and applications

Product benefits

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Unique solutions

These pumps have little weight and are easily moved due to the removal of the coupling

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Distinctive designs

Floimac magnetic pump, DBM magnetic pump, CSE magnetic pump, Trandin magnet polymer pump


Reliable performance

They have a lot of safety for pumping and transferring all kinds of chemicals, flammable substances and solvents.

Related products

Technical specifications of the magnetic pump

characteristic amount
bronze, cast iron, steel and titanium, tetrafluoroethylene, glass, ceramic, fluoride, vinylidene
work pressure
characteristic amount
bronze, cast iron, steel and titanium, tetrafluoroethylene, glass, ceramic, fluoride, vinylidene
work pressure
Temperature range
below 450°C
400 kW
characteristic amount
Temperature range
below 450°C
400 kW

To receive free consultation and price inquiry, please contact Imen Datis Asia experts at 021-440960110 or 021-44036839.

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magnetic pump

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