imenada Imen Datis Asia Co

Fm200 gas fire extinguishing system

characteristic amount
3kg up to 300kg
Design concentration
About 7 percent
fire tech inda

Fm200 gas fire extinguishing system review

HFC225ea gas fire extinguishing system known as FM200. The gas fire extinguishing system or Halons refers to a group of extinguishing substances that extinguish the fire by neutralizing the fire chain reactions.

FM200 gas, which is used in FM200 fire extinguishing system, is an odorless, colorless and permanent gas that is suitable for extinguishing A, B, and C fire compounds. Therefore, it is better to use this type of gas systems to extinguish expensive equipment such as servers.

It is also important to mention that the design, production and installation of FM200 equipment should be done according to NFPA 2001. Imen Datis Asia Engineering Company is the exclusive agent for sales and after-sales services of FM200 gas fire extinguishing system with fire tech India brand. And it is approved by the fire department and UL/FM in our dear country of Iran.

سیستم اطفاء حریق گازی، سیستم اطفاء حریق فوم، سیستم اطفاء حریق آب، آبرسانی در عملیات اطفاء حریق، نحوه عملکرد سیستم اطفاء حریق، قیمت پمپ آتش نشانی اطفاء حریق، اطفاء، اطفا حریق، اعلام و اطفا حریق، اطفاء گازی fm200، استانداردهای طفای حریق، اطفای حریق، سیستم اعلام و اطفاء حریق

Gas fire extinguishing systems are an advanced and efficient way to control and extinguish fire. These systems use special gases such as halogen gases (such as halons or hydrofluorocarbons) or various other gases (such as carbon dioxide). In a gas fire extinguishing system, the gas that is used as an extinguishing agent is stored in compressed form in tanks. When the system detects that there is a fire, this gas is transferred to the fire place automatically or by equipped operators.

In recent years, with the growth of the technology sector, it has increased the circulation of information and, as a result, the amount of information in industries. This information is the most valuable asset of an organization. Therefore, one of the vulnerabilities of this information is the possibility of damage to the data storage center. The best extinguishing agent for the server room, which causes the least damage to the equipment, is the FM 200 gas extinguishing system.

Features and applications

The benefits of fm200 gas fire extinguishing system

المان ایمن داتیس آسیا2

Unique solutions

A suitable replacement for halons

المان ایمن داتیس آسیا1

Distinctive designs

Very low design concentration (about 7%)


Reliable performance

Gas fire extinguishing system with UL and FM approvals

How to activate the FM200 fire extinguishing system:

The FM200 system uses three methods of actuation, including: electrical, mechanical, and pneumatic.

Activating the FM200 fire extinguishing system electrically: With the help of the central panel, the cylinder valve can be activated automatically through an electrical actuator. The panel sends an electrical signal to activate the FM200 system, which can be tracked and tracked.

In this method, a mechanical actuator is connected as an alternative so that users can also manually activate the FM200 fire extinguishing system.

Mechanical activation of the FM200 fire extinguishing system: The FM200 system can be mechanically activated using a manual actuator mounted on the tank valve or an electric actuator. To empty the cylinder, the activator safety pin is removed and then the system is activated by pressing the handle.

In this process, the tank valve is opened by disconnecting the actuator pin and the contents inside the cylinder are emptied.

Activating the FM200 fire extinguishing system by pneumatic method: This method is done using a pneumatic actuator that is located on the cylinders.

Installation of FM200 fire extinguishing system:

The system installation space must be completely enclosed. The ceiling height should not be less than 30.5 cm or 12 inches. When discharging FM200 extinguishing agents, the air pressure in the enclosed environment changes, so the structure or space must be able to withstand these pressure changes. The concentration of FM200 materials is calculated according to the empty volume of the environment, and the equipment in the space has little effect on these calculations. Accordingly, racks and panels should not be included in the calculations, as it is assumed that the inner compartment will be filled with extinguishing materials.

All closed spaces such as false ceilings and false floors, cable trays and similar items should be considered as a separate space in the system design and a separate nozzle should be installed for each one. If the ceiling beams and obstacles are less than 5.30 cm, there is no need to consider them; However, if these obstacles are larger, they can cause problems in distributing the FM200 extinguishing agent, so more nozzles should be used.

A damper must be installed in the ventilation inlets and air outlets. In addition, the volume of the space between the unit and the damper should be added to the total calculated volume.

Required information for the wiring and piping of the FM200 system:

  • Calculate the location of the compartment
  • Identification of piping routes
  • Determining the obstacles in the pipeline route
  • Choosing the right dimensions of the pipes
  • Using suitable connections such as Tee, bushings and couplings

Selection and placement of FM200 system nozzles: The number of nozzles required is determined based on the dimensions of the space, coverage and configuration of each nozzle. FM200 system nozzles are designed in different types such as 8 and 7 hole nozzles with 360° and 180° coverage. When installing these nozzles, the following points should be considered:

  • The installation location of the nozzles will be different depending on the appearance of the space in which the system is implemented.
  • The maximum discharge radius for the 360 degree nozzle is 8.7 meters or 6 feet.
  • The maximum discharge radius for 180 degree nozzles is 10.05 meters or 33 feet.

How FM200 gas works

The main mechanism of the action of this gas in fire suppression in a similar way to extinguishing a gas fire such as aerosol, is through structural decomposition caused by heat and its absorption. This heat is one of the key factors in the spread of fire. In a fire scenario, fire molecules combine with oxygen and fire develops. By absorbing ambient heat and chemical decomposition, FM200 gas destroys the main cause of fire, i.e. heat and flame.

Cylinders containing FM200 gas, in contrast to reducing the oxygen level of the environment, affect the molecules that have a high tendency to combine with oxygen and prevent them from combining with the oxygen of the environment. Because of this, the oxygen level of the environment does not decrease and people can breathe easily. In this case, even a match will not be lit in this environment and the fire will not be able to survive. After the gas is discharged, the fire is extinguished and does not form again.

From an environmental point of view, this gas remains less in the ozone layer than halon gas and gradually leaves the atmosphere. However, the precise design and calculation of the amount of FM200 gas is very important, and according to the standards, its concentration in data centers varies between 7 and 9% depending on the working temperature of the environment. Also, this concentration changes according to the height above sea level and the location of the server room.

The lower the altitude is, the more gas is needed due to the higher air pressure. If the calculation is not done accurately, either the fire will not be extinguished or a large volume of gas may enter the environment and cause breathing problems and dizziness in people.

Halon gas 1301 is one of the oldest and most effective fire extinguishing gases used in sensitive industries such as telecommunications and electronics. This gas has the lowest design concentration compared to other gases. Due to its high extinguishing power and low toxicity, this gas was widely used in closed spaces such as inside airplanes, according to the NFPA-408 standard.

However, due to its destructive effect on the ozone layer, its use has been banned in many cases. The NFPA organization has introduced alternatives for this gas, the most common of which is heptafluoropropane gas. This gas is one of the most common alternatives to halon gas and is completely compatible with the environment.

FM200 gas charging

The charging of the FM200 system is done by charging the FM200 gas cylinder, which is a clean and alternative material for fire extinguishing systems. The system is fully pressurized and quickly released, which absorbs the heat of the fire and stops the reactions that cause the fire. Every year, this company imports FM200 gas in different tonnages in 500 and 1000 kilo tanks, which is equivalent to twenty five euros per kilo.

FM200 gas is safe for humans and does not harm the ozone layer. Currently, the FM200 is recognized as one of the most effective and cleanest fire suppression systems on the market.

This gas is in liquid form and its efficiency depends on the manufacturing company. Over time, its quality does not change, but the pressure of the gauge and the degree of the hand should be checked annually so that its pressure drop does not fall below 25 or 45 bar. If the pressure is lower than the standard value, the FM200 gas must be recharged.

Technical specifications of the fm200 gas fire extinguishing system

characteristic amount
Design concentration
About 7 percent
UL and FM
characteristic amount
Design concentration
About 7 percent
UL and FM
3kg up to 300kg
characteristic amount
3kg up to 300kg

To receive free consultation and price inquiry, please contact Imen Datis Asia experts at 021-440960110 or 021-44036839.

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Gas fire extinguishing system